Friday, September 21, 2018

Two Murders in Iowa

The Difference between Two Murderers, there is none!

On July 18, 2018, 20-year-old Mollie Tibbetts went missing from Brooklyn, Iowa and a month later Tibbetts was found dead having been brutally murdered. On September 17, 2018, 24-year-old Celia Barquin Arozamena of Ames, Iowa was found dead on a local golf course, she had been raped and stabbed. Two separate incidents of violence committed by two different men, one from Mexico and the other from the U.S. and the reactions of the media and the government.

Immigration is a tremendous and hot issue in our country and due to the media and government sharing their viewpoints on this, it is raising the level of hatred and xenophobia. The media was quick to announce that Tibbett’s murderer was an undocumented immigrant as if being Mexican means that you are likely to commit a violent crime. I happen to know that undocumented immigrants have the lowest percentage of committing crimes, come on, they do not want to be deported. Let me be honest here, my dad was murdered in 1984 by an undocumented immigrant and did not lead me to believe that all undocumented immigrants were going to murder me.

The government, especially #45, is the master of xenophobia and rhetorical ( to me, stupid) opinions and his undying love for taco bowls to show his love for Mexicans. #45 has shown his racism from day one on the campaign trail and continues to do so especially through his Adolf Twitler account where he controls the media with his tweets. Tibbetts father, Ron Tibbetts asked Politian’s not to use Mollie’s death as a “pawn” in their push for harsh immigration laws, a cause that Mollie herself found it to be racist. Look at the article and research further into this issue to see what is going behind the scenes to see the difference in both suspects and see and believe that the American suspect is no better than the undocumented suspect. I am in no way supporting the suspected killer of Mollie Tibbetts and he should fully be sentenced to the extent of the law as I see him as a perpetrator, not an undocumented immigrant, it has nothing to do with the suspect killing Ms. Tibbetts.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  2. Hello Carol, your views are a relief to me and I feel like you are a long-lost compadre.

    I especially like your discussion points here: that xenophobia and blanket statements about immigrants need to be avoided for the future success of our union. Both discussion points are timely in today's landscape in the United States in general and to us as Texans living in a border state.

    I think the idea in general is that divisiveness - both in rhetoric and action - should be avoided to move forward constructively. Right? Doesn't seem like a crazy idea to me!

    The President and other powerful men and women should mold themselves in the highest character and that should hold true to those around them. The children and youth of our country are watching and are highly malleable. Further, the young people, middle-aged people and old people are too.

    Thus, I think the people of the US have a couple very simple, humble and earnest entreaties to the President and the legislators: Be humble, listen well and have courage. Treat everyone equally and with civility. It is a matter of human rights.

    Just because someone is an immigrant or Mexican does not make them a murderer, nor does it make them a saint. What it does make them is human. What we keep forgetting here is this country, as many other countries, was built on the backs of immigrants AND the President's wife is an immigrant. I mean, if he is going to continue with bullying the Latino/a immigrant, at least he could stick to his xenophobic, blanket statements and disregard ALL immigrants. You can't pick and choose. It doesn't work like that.

    I am very sorry for the murder of your father and applaud you for your progress moving forward with your life and your views on immigrants.

    I especially liked your inclusion and citation of Mr. Tibbetts requesting that Trump not use Mollie's murder as a pawn in his war on immigration.

    As of the President's latest antics, I particularly am enjoying (sarcasm) how he plans to defy the Constitution about birthright citizenship. Who does he think he is?
