Thursday, October 18, 2018


Yawn Blog 4 

In looking for a commentary to read, the article by Tom Boggioni’s “Major advertisers still want nothing to do with Fox News personality Laura Ingraham: report” caught my eye. Now, when you see the name “Fox News” you know it is synonymous with “bats in the belfry” and the hosts need a psychiatric evaluation, yet  I was curious and wanted to read the article. When certain individuals give their bias view of an issue that is considered hurtful or immoral, there is no doubt that major corporations will stay away from controversy.

I felt like the article was tied to the title but was indubitably boring and caused me to lose interest because I expected more information of Ingraham’s remarks and would have been nice for the author to also include what was said to the Parkland school shooting victim, so I can better understand why advertisers were pulling their ads. The author main point is advertisers pulling their ads from Ingraham’s show due to her crude remarks, but we do not get any comments from the advertisers themselves maybe explaining why they pulled out. His references are justified by “according”, however, one reference that was an incomplete source is the “advertiser analyst” this could be one of a million people. I am a novice at critiquing,  but this article seems like it was done by a high schooler, short, boring and incomplete.

I have yet to figure out who the intended audience is, as they would find this article boring and not willing to finish reading. I sincerely hope that I was not being mean or rude critiquing this article but writing about this probably made my paper boring as well. Overall, the author wrote the article nice and simple so that his audience could understand but lacked information that would keep his audience engaged. I also think that if the title has more than one issue in its title there should be evidence explaining their thesis. I did not bypass this article even though it was not worth reading and there are articles that are less than perfect (I am pretty sure I have written essays that my professors have said…what the moo?). Thank you.

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