Friday, December 14, 2018

45 and Racism

45 and Racism

The Twelfth Amendment was enacted to prevent demagogues from being elected into one of the most powerful seats in the governmental system with the design of the Electoral College. The Electoral College consists of people who are dedicated to their political party and are recognized for their service to that political party, meaning that these electors guarantee a vote for their political party even though they are supposedly free to choose who they want. In the election of 2016 with candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, somehow the Electoral College failed us by electing a “demagogue” to run this country, Donald Trump (who will be known as 45 from now on).
I find it very upsetting that a person like this would be able to run our country as if it was a business transaction putting himself before all the American people. It is also delusional or blindness, or even stupidity, for his Republic administration and citizen supporters to continually insist that 45 is doing a “good” job. Will these people ever take off their blinders and realize that no matter how hard they rub on that genie bottle they will not receive their wishes. 45 has managed to get elected by using racism, xenophobia, sexism, and homophobia to bring people out from under the rocks to proudly exhibit the same type of atrocious behavior and beliefs. I have an uncle who supports 45 and is always posting on his Facebook page all this propaganda without checking for facts about 45 or the Republican party and have challenged him to a debate or discussion but he said he was not willing to discuss, I deleted him. I get tired of 45 supporters who post shit without looking into details and when I ask for a link to the post, they get mad and I have the privilege of being called a snowflake, libtard, crybaby and so forth and on one occasion got called a racist that left me fuming, for that I am not!

45 with his racial rhetoric has brought out the hate that has been lingering hiding behind closed doors and every day that he is in office, the worse it gets.  He does not condone the behavior of these racists even if they commit horrible crimes, making look like the victim is at fault.  With his wanting to build a wall to keep Mexican immigrants out of the US, it has caused a big stir in the racism against Mexicans and I get tired of people saying “go back to your country” I mean do I pitch a tent in their backyard? Do I learn to speak “white” when they tell me this is American speak English? What is wrong with this man that he wants to take away the citizenship of children whose parents are undocumented immigrants and locking up children of deported parents in a camp with ghastly conditions? African Americans have had the worst of racism and even though the same human rights as everyone else that is American, they still experience the brutality, stereotyping and meanness of some white people as if we still lived in the time of slavery.

I am not even sure where I am going in this story as it makes me angry to think about 45 and how he has changed this country with his bigotry, dumbness and the division of the citizens  but I do know that I am tired of seeing people being treated less than a human being and I am tired of people approving of this awfulness. The Electoral College really did a number on us and I hope they can sleep well at night because they really put our country and citizens in a dangerous state. Hopefully, the Democratic Presidential nominee will have enough influence on us Americans so that we can go back to breathing a little better. JULIAN CASTRO FOR PRESIDENT!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Tear Gas Ms. Cantu Blog 7

Tear Gas Ms. Cantu's Blog 7

The paper by Ms. Cantu did not have a title so I was in the dark about what type of information I was about to read. Reading further it was evident that Ms. Cantu was talking about the recent tear gassing order by the US president 45 on the people that were at the US and Mexican border (or I assume). The main error about this paper is that the author pens that the people who suffered the gassing were citizens from Mexico when the truth of that matter is that they were “migrants” from Central America which includes Honduras, San Salvador and Guatemala who were on the annual caravan to the border hoping to apply for asylum as their respective countries are riddled with violence and severe poverty. Also, there is a difference in being an immigrant compared to a migrant with one moving to another country to one who moves many times within their own country respectively.

A title for the paper is very important so that the reader can understand what is being told and found that there are many subjects written and leaves me somewhat confused on how they collaborate. I am not sure how mentioning how the First Lady is an immigrant and should be banned and sent threats when later there is a contradiction of “we are all immigrants”. I can see where the author is going but seems that the story goes is out of order, for example, the definition of tear gas should have been put in the first paragraph if that is the main point.

Overall, the paper is written well, and the best part of the paper is the personal story of her family and their trek to the US for a better and peaceful life. It is a shame that we live in a country where the government is partisan and racist at the same as his party supporting him and his awful, selfish, and stupid decisions. In the end, I can understand what she is trying to relay.