Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Tear Gas Ms. Cantu Blog 7

Tear Gas Ms. Cantu's Blog 7

The paper by Ms. Cantu did not have a title so I was in the dark about what type of information I was about to read. Reading further it was evident that Ms. Cantu was talking about the recent tear gassing order by the US president 45 on the people that were at the US and Mexican border (or I assume). The main error about this paper is that the author pens that the people who suffered the gassing were citizens from Mexico when the truth of that matter is that they were “migrants” from Central America which includes Honduras, San Salvador and Guatemala who were on the annual caravan to the border hoping to apply for asylum as their respective countries are riddled with violence and severe poverty. Also, there is a difference in being an immigrant compared to a migrant with one moving to another country to one who moves many times within their own country respectively.

A title for the paper is very important so that the reader can understand what is being told and found that there are many subjects written and leaves me somewhat confused on how they collaborate. I am not sure how mentioning how the First Lady is an immigrant and should be banned and sent threats when later there is a contradiction of “we are all immigrants”. I can see where the author is going but seems that the story goes is out of order, for example, the definition of tear gas should have been put in the first paragraph if that is the main point.

Overall, the paper is written well, and the best part of the paper is the personal story of her family and their trek to the US for a better and peaceful life. It is a shame that we live in a country where the government is partisan and racist at the same as his party supporting him and his awful, selfish, and stupid decisions. In the end, I can understand what she is trying to relay.  

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