Friday, December 14, 2018

45 and Racism

45 and Racism

The Twelfth Amendment was enacted to prevent demagogues from being elected into one of the most powerful seats in the governmental system with the design of the Electoral College. The Electoral College consists of people who are dedicated to their political party and are recognized for their service to that political party, meaning that these electors guarantee a vote for their political party even though they are supposedly free to choose who they want. In the election of 2016 with candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, somehow the Electoral College failed us by electing a “demagogue” to run this country, Donald Trump (who will be known as 45 from now on).
I find it very upsetting that a person like this would be able to run our country as if it was a business transaction putting himself before all the American people. It is also delusional or blindness, or even stupidity, for his Republic administration and citizen supporters to continually insist that 45 is doing a “good” job. Will these people ever take off their blinders and realize that no matter how hard they rub on that genie bottle they will not receive their wishes. 45 has managed to get elected by using racism, xenophobia, sexism, and homophobia to bring people out from under the rocks to proudly exhibit the same type of atrocious behavior and beliefs. I have an uncle who supports 45 and is always posting on his Facebook page all this propaganda without checking for facts about 45 or the Republican party and have challenged him to a debate or discussion but he said he was not willing to discuss, I deleted him. I get tired of 45 supporters who post shit without looking into details and when I ask for a link to the post, they get mad and I have the privilege of being called a snowflake, libtard, crybaby and so forth and on one occasion got called a racist that left me fuming, for that I am not!

45 with his racial rhetoric has brought out the hate that has been lingering hiding behind closed doors and every day that he is in office, the worse it gets.  He does not condone the behavior of these racists even if they commit horrible crimes, making look like the victim is at fault.  With his wanting to build a wall to keep Mexican immigrants out of the US, it has caused a big stir in the racism against Mexicans and I get tired of people saying “go back to your country” I mean do I pitch a tent in their backyard? Do I learn to speak “white” when they tell me this is American speak English? What is wrong with this man that he wants to take away the citizenship of children whose parents are undocumented immigrants and locking up children of deported parents in a camp with ghastly conditions? African Americans have had the worst of racism and even though the same human rights as everyone else that is American, they still experience the brutality, stereotyping and meanness of some white people as if we still lived in the time of slavery.

I am not even sure where I am going in this story as it makes me angry to think about 45 and how he has changed this country with his bigotry, dumbness and the division of the citizens  but I do know that I am tired of seeing people being treated less than a human being and I am tired of people approving of this awfulness. The Electoral College really did a number on us and I hope they can sleep well at night because they really put our country and citizens in a dangerous state. Hopefully, the Democratic Presidential nominee will have enough influence on us Americans so that we can go back to breathing a little better. JULIAN CASTRO FOR PRESIDENT!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Tear Gas Ms. Cantu Blog 7

Tear Gas Ms. Cantu's Blog 7

The paper by Ms. Cantu did not have a title so I was in the dark about what type of information I was about to read. Reading further it was evident that Ms. Cantu was talking about the recent tear gassing order by the US president 45 on the people that were at the US and Mexican border (or I assume). The main error about this paper is that the author pens that the people who suffered the gassing were citizens from Mexico when the truth of that matter is that they were “migrants” from Central America which includes Honduras, San Salvador and Guatemala who were on the annual caravan to the border hoping to apply for asylum as their respective countries are riddled with violence and severe poverty. Also, there is a difference in being an immigrant compared to a migrant with one moving to another country to one who moves many times within their own country respectively.

A title for the paper is very important so that the reader can understand what is being told and found that there are many subjects written and leaves me somewhat confused on how they collaborate. I am not sure how mentioning how the First Lady is an immigrant and should be banned and sent threats when later there is a contradiction of “we are all immigrants”. I can see where the author is going but seems that the story goes is out of order, for example, the definition of tear gas should have been put in the first paragraph if that is the main point.

Overall, the paper is written well, and the best part of the paper is the personal story of her family and their trek to the US for a better and peaceful life. It is a shame that we live in a country where the government is partisan and racist at the same as his party supporting him and his awful, selfish, and stupid decisions. In the end, I can understand what she is trying to relay.  

Friday, November 16, 2018

English Should Be America's Official Language...My Official Reply

When I came across this blog “English Should Be America’s Official Language” written by author Han Han, I was intimidated by his writing skills, as I am a simple but straight-forward writer and decided to pass on this blog. As I continued to read the other blogs my mind would go back to Han Han’s blog eventually leading me to return to his blog to read. As I said before, I was impressed with the writing skills. then went on to read the article “What Are The Origins Of The English Language?” and saw that he had used exact sentences from the article to his blog without citing. Continuing, I realized that this article seemed like it did not go with the title of his blog and that the main point in the article “is” about the origin of English with a small paragraph saying that English should be America’s official language and subsequently, gave a bit more info.

Han also threw my understanding of his blog as the title should have including the word “business” so that it is not confused with the title in general. His blog was pointed more on the economic interest and once again confused me when he wrote a quote by right-wing Kenneth Blackwell stating “ If you care about a child in America today, then you want that child to be able to speak English”, then it would probably become a personal opinion which would introduce an argument and change the face of his paper and the connection would take a while to fuse, reminds me of the straw man theory. I did not go into the reasons why English should or should not be an official language as his main intent was as in a business aspect and did not seem that an pro and con was introduced so I treated the blog as a research paper, there was no personal view noted. Overall, Han did a great job in his writing (technical)  and his knowledge on the subject was stellar but as I mentioned, I felt it was more of a research paper. 

I was very reluctant in participating in this assignment and hope you take this as constructive criticism (from a novice) and that my words were not meant to hurt you or to anger you.” Perception is a vital component in understanding and communicating, we see what the other does not”(Carolynn Vargas) 

Saturday, November 3, 2018

"Excuse me, do you have any spare change"?

     Wealth is defined as a “great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches”[1]  however, this is how I see wealth for all of us. First, we have “Old Money Wealth” like the Vanderbilts where money is inherited, then we have “New Wealth” like Oprah Winfrey a successful African American media mogul. Secondly, we have” Just Enough Wealth” with the middle class who both the rich and poor depend on to keep the economy growing to paying higher taxes to provide social programs and such, then we have “I Ain’t Got No Money Wealth” which is self-explanatory. Having said that, at which point does the inequality distribution of wealth come into play? How or can this inequality be changed? Is it possible?
     Unequal Distribution of Wealth is how income is unevenly distributed among a population that causes income disparity. In 2017 the wealth distribution in the United States is as follows: “Top 1%  have more wealth than the bottom 90% of people. The cause of inequality is that the U.S. went from a manufactured-based economy (food, computer, electronics etc.) to a Service-based economy (healthcare, media, sports etc.) and are reaping the benefits of being wealthy. This transition has made life hard for us bottom feeders and with no opportunity to have a piece of the pie. This transition also brings jobs that require highly educated people to work for a huge corporation, leaving a regular Joe with no chance of employment. A large percentage of the poor population is not given the option of attending college because of the need to make money to support themselves. This transition is surely causing the slow death of social mobility. How can we fix this?
     We must raise the minimum wage, have access to affordable and quality education, subsidies for training, loan programs for people wanting to start a business. We also need to invest in women and combat discrimination in the way of thinking that “women are meant to be housewives” and if they have children, we can implement a program for childcare. Implementing these changes will not get far in our government because along with being wealthy they have access to the government. These corporations make huge donations to parties that will side with their wants, it’s like a “money talks bullshit walks” kind of thing. But will it work?
     No, my ideas would not work because most of the wealthy are selfish and will try hard to keep this capitalist country the same, all because of the Benjamin’s. What the hell are they going to do with all that money? They will pass it down to their offspring and the pattern will continue. This inequality has been happening since the day American was formed and I do not see change. I read that some billionaires pledge to donate their fortunes to charity. If you happen to become a millionaire, think altruism, it’s good for your soul.

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Yawn Blog 4 

In looking for a commentary to read, the article by Tom Boggioni’s “Major advertisers still want nothing to do with Fox News personality Laura Ingraham: report” caught my eye. Now, when you see the name “Fox News” you know it is synonymous with “bats in the belfry” and the hosts need a psychiatric evaluation, yet  I was curious and wanted to read the article. When certain individuals give their bias view of an issue that is considered hurtful or immoral, there is no doubt that major corporations will stay away from controversy.

I felt like the article was tied to the title but was indubitably boring and caused me to lose interest because I expected more information of Ingraham’s remarks and would have been nice for the author to also include what was said to the Parkland school shooting victim, so I can better understand why advertisers were pulling their ads. The author main point is advertisers pulling their ads from Ingraham’s show due to her crude remarks, but we do not get any comments from the advertisers themselves maybe explaining why they pulled out. His references are justified by “according”, however, one reference that was an incomplete source is the “advertiser analyst” this could be one of a million people. I am a novice at critiquing,  but this article seems like it was done by a high schooler, short, boring and incomplete.

I have yet to figure out who the intended audience is, as they would find this article boring and not willing to finish reading. I sincerely hope that I was not being mean or rude critiquing this article but writing about this probably made my paper boring as well. Overall, the author wrote the article nice and simple so that his audience could understand but lacked information that would keep his audience engaged. I also think that if the title has more than one issue in its title there should be evidence explaining their thesis. I did not bypass this article even though it was not worth reading and there are articles that are less than perfect (I am pretty sure I have written essays that my professors have said…what the moo?). Thank you.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee on Climate Change

     "How to show #45 you care about climate change" is an article penned by Gov. Jay Inslee of the state of Washington about how global warming is affecting our planet. Inslee gives a decent amount of information about the subject, as his main intent of the article is to get Americans to vote in the upcoming mid-term elections. He goes on to explain how the current administration is making decisions and renouncing the global warming laws that the prior administration had put in effect. This is a very dangerous time to be alive.

     I really liked how Inslee used simple words in his article, as it seemed that he wanted people to understand the severity of the issue at hand in simple terms, but I would have used statistics, so they can also see the trend of climate change and using the word “science”. I gained additional information on global warming that I was not aware of such as the Clean Car Standards in which #45 declared that it was to be repealed and the adverse effect would cause Americans to use more oil, create more pollution by all vehicles and would cause hardship in the auto industry.

     Inslee wrote this article with truth and integrity and I wholeheartedly agree with him. I too believe in global warming and how it is affecting our world and find it hard to believe that some people do not agree with global warming because they do not believe in science. Science has impacted “all” our lives in many ways. Like I mentioned before, Inslee article is intended for the American people and not exclusively for democrats or republicans showing that he is being unbiased in his article. His argument is clear and concise and gets the message out, which is to go out to vote the mid-term elections in October. 

Friday, September 21, 2018

Two Murders in Iowa

The Difference between Two Murderers, there is none!

On July 18, 2018, 20-year-old Mollie Tibbetts went missing from Brooklyn, Iowa and a month later Tibbetts was found dead having been brutally murdered. On September 17, 2018, 24-year-old Celia Barquin Arozamena of Ames, Iowa was found dead on a local golf course, she had been raped and stabbed. Two separate incidents of violence committed by two different men, one from Mexico and the other from the U.S. and the reactions of the media and the government.

Immigration is a tremendous and hot issue in our country and due to the media and government sharing their viewpoints on this, it is raising the level of hatred and xenophobia. The media was quick to announce that Tibbett’s murderer was an undocumented immigrant as if being Mexican means that you are likely to commit a violent crime. I happen to know that undocumented immigrants have the lowest percentage of committing crimes, come on, they do not want to be deported. Let me be honest here, my dad was murdered in 1984 by an undocumented immigrant and did not lead me to believe that all undocumented immigrants were going to murder me.

The government, especially #45, is the master of xenophobia and rhetorical ( to me, stupid) opinions and his undying love for taco bowls to show his love for Mexicans. #45 has shown his racism from day one on the campaign trail and continues to do so especially through his Adolf Twitler account where he controls the media with his tweets. Tibbetts father, Ron Tibbetts asked Politian’s not to use Mollie’s death as a “pawn” in their push for harsh immigration laws, a cause that Mollie herself found it to be racist. Look at the article and research further into this issue to see what is going behind the scenes to see the difference in both suspects and see and believe that the American suspect is no better than the undocumented suspect. I am in no way supporting the suspected killer of Mollie Tibbetts and he should fully be sentenced to the extent of the law as I see him as a perpetrator, not an undocumented immigrant, it has nothing to do with the suspect killing Ms. Tibbetts.